Smart, handy and safe

ToolKid has been subjected to practical tests at the Department of Industrial Design of Delft Technical University – and not just by grownups who judged its ergonomic qualities, design and safety aspects: children, too, played a central role in the development of ToolKid.

Children played a central role in the development of ToolKid tools, in this picture a girl is testing the hammer

In creating ToolKid, full account was taken of small hands, shorter arms, limited muscular strength and, above all, motor functions whose development has long to go. ToolKid is a comprehensive set, especially designed for children and entirely attuned to their abilities.

Which is why we can say with 100% surety that ToolKid is, in every sense, reliable, safe, and easy for children to use.

And the easier it is to use, the more fun there is to be had!