ToolKid fretsaw
A fretsaw for children that works!
- No clamp that gets in the way
- Good coordination and steering
- Blades easy to insert and fix
You use a fretsaw to saw shapes from thin pieces of wood. The clamp of the fretsaw has been adjusted in such a way that it can no longer get in the way during the sawing and the child can keep the fretsaw at a right angle. Because children in the age from 5 to 12 are still developing their motor skills, they need a better grip and larger handles. Therefore, the handle of the fretsaw has been completely attuned to the average sizes of children’s hands of this age group. The profile on the handle provides a better grip and the pistol-grip helps the child to steer the saw more easily and let the saw ‘do the job’. The clamp has a marking that indicates where the fretsaw tensioner for inserting or replacing the blades needs to go. The child can simply insert the blade and fix it by turning the wing nuts by hand.

ToolKid fretsawboard with clamp
Fretsaw board with larger work surface!
- Easy to mount
- Large work surface
- Perfect quality FSC wood
The fretsaw board made of beech wood serves as a base for the piece of wood the child is working on. The ToolKid board is larger (21 x 9 cm) than a regular board, offering a larger surface as a base for the project. This makes it easier for children to steer the piece of wood that they are fret-sawing and to saw at a right angle.
The board is fastened onto the table with a polished metal clamp.

ToolKid fretsaw tensioner for changing fretsaw blades
Inserting blades yourself with the fretsaw tensioner!
- Easy to do it yourself
- Gives the right tension right away
- Blades break less quickly
The fretsaw tensioner is a perfect tool that children can use to insert and fix a new blade into the fretsaw by themselves. The clamp of the fretsaw shows a marking that indicates where the fretsaw tensioner for inserting or replacing the blades needs to go. The fretsaw tensioner also indicates that the teeth of the blade have to point down. The child can simply insert the blade and fix it by turning the wing nuts by hand. When you remove the tensioner again, the blade will have the right tension to saw properly!